Sunday, February 3, 2008

Server is Back Online

After having a maintenance for several hours, the server went back online before WOE started.

Quarter Pounder is not online today so I have to do my Ecalls alone which is very hard. Even though I'm alone I was able to do nice Ecalls but all of it were only in Pre-Emp. I did one Ecall inside the EMP room alone w/o Devotion at Swanhild. On the first half of WOE, so far so good as it goes, until my computer began to restart automatically lol.

I think my computer restart for like 5-6 times, the last time was at the last 6 mins of WOE that's why we weren't able to get our own castle =). When a guild master connected ingame during WOE he have to wait 5 misn first before he can cast his ECALL which was my problem that's why I wasnt able to do a last min. Ecall =P.

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