Wednesday, December 26, 2007


My presence for this WOE was truly unexpected, I really thought I won't make it. I've been troubleshooting my PC for the last 18 hours about this trojan virus I got(because of my sisters). I removed the virus manually w/o losing any files. I even reformatted my pc(3rd time since dec. 24) 45 mins before WOE starts lol. Distributing supplies even took us longer to start WOE. We started to WOE 45 or so mins from the time it starts.

Taking Fadhgridh from Kings and Covenant took us a while and then we went and stayed at Gondul for like 20 mins and went back to Fadhgridh that is currently under Kings possesion. I just did a killer E-call, I was able to ecall 10 cells away from Fadhgridh's EMPERIUM, while 80% of Kings are defending the Portal to EMP room, the cool part was they didn't notice me sneaking in.

Stasis, Nelo, Vhanz, Rico, and Bumble.Bee(I think there is still 2 members with them)went to Gondul in the last 4 mins and they took it. Defending it with 5-6 members is kinda hard but they managed somehow to do it under last the 3mins of WOE. So in the end we had FADHGRIDH and GONDUL.

PS. <---link to the last Dec. 22 Christmas EB Photos or click the Guild's Christmas EB Photos at "GUILD NEWS" section here.