Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I wanna experience being Ecalled on different castles too like what I did to my members today. Breaking down every castles in Midgard by my Ecall with my guildmembers except geffen castles of course ROFL, we are not bullies :).

Again and again while I was casting my Ecall some player from Kings or w/e he was from, he just shouted that I was cheating with my Ecall LOL and after we break that castle, I'm not sure if that was Bright Arbor or Swanhild. Then someone named [TDS]MH!NOK shouted on BC and said "Hukutin lumagay kau sa parehas ndi tama yan no cast EC amf", it was shown in the screenshot below.It means: "Hokuten be fair, no cast EC is not right".
LOL since when my EC became no cast? But I got an explanation how did it turned out like no cast. If someone is already casting and you just happen to see him in your screen as you walk then you will not see his casting bar and will see the skill name he was casting when he was done casting it.

Wanna know who's not playing fair? Try to attack some other popular guild and see how they use their skills w/o delay, w/o bragi's effect, I mean faster skill execution than when you're under the effect's of Poem of Bragi.

We all totally enjoyed todays WOE, Random Siege/Mobile Siege or w/e do they call it is more fun than defending a castle, like my members said we're all like in a roller coaster lol.

We almost got Swanhild and Fadhridh at the same time and Gondul, but we lost Swanhild in the last minute anddddddddddddddd I wasnt able to cast Ecall in Gondul thats why we werent able to get it. Thanks to Dodge24 he got Fadhgridh for us with his exceptional Emp breaking techniques /no1

So in the End we got Fadhgridh.

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