- Futura: October 4 (19 years old )
- Hokuten^^: October 5 (turned tweenTEEN-one years old)
- Karazuki Omeki: October 29 (he's accepting gifts =D)
- Boo~: October 29 (Correct me if I'm wrong with the date)
- Led Zepplin: November 18 (Accepting gifts and presents....BBH he said)
- [ AM ] Hao: November 24 (he's fine with zenies as his bday presents)
- Smryna/Ephesus: December 1
- *Lhez: December 11
- Deathro: December 24
- Bumble.Bee: January 8
- Quarter Pounder: February 7
If any Arc Mithril member is also celebrating their Birthdays for current month kindly please PM me and I'll add your name here =)