Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rebirth Of Main "Arc Mithril"

Stasis' character was deleted after 46 days under banned status, and by the time he got banned I passed the ownership of the main Arc Mithril Guild to him, so it was stuck and we were all forced to use the extension guild as main, but after Stasis got deleted as well as the main Arc Mithril I established last either November 21 or 22 2006, then Monica tried to create the same exact "Arc Mithril" without any "dots" or "spaces" and she was able to do so. So back to old main "Arc Mithril"

Today will be the last War Of Emperium that will start at 1PM EST for this year, next Monday it'll start at 2PM EST due to Daylight Saving Time.

We got Bright Arbor by accident, I was just planning to cast my E-call inside their(Bloody Culture Guild) Emperium Room, didn't mean to stay there til' WoE ends. Sorry for that Kate xD that wasn't intentional. We we planning to get Gondul, though we ran out of time =) with just having 25 members online.

I got some few video clips for this War Of Emperium, I'ma post it soon

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