Monday, May 26, 2008


I've been so busy with my work that's why I wasn't able to log in that much nowadays and because of that I have to assigned some co-Guildmasters that will lead our guild. The following members below has the rank to lead the guild for War Of Emperium sessions:


Other loyalist members doesn't want to lead the guild but rather chose to support on the other hand that's why they are not on the list.

Arc Mithril may not be that strong as it was before, because many of us were taking a break and some quited ingame but one thing's for sure, Arc Mithril proved to be the best and made a record that no other guild has done before. Our record in Kriemhield cannot be erased from the history lol, and we never hide in each others back, we fight alone because we pwn everyone alone =). For the haters, don't take this message so seriously this is just an answer to all the sad and nonsense stuff you guys throwing on us =P.

PS. EVERYONE WATCH "CODE GEASS" season 1 and 2(ongoing), a must see anime, because if you like to watch good animes and haven't seen this one yet then you just lost 1/3 of your life hahaha =D

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