Saturday, October 13, 2007

October 13, 2007(Saturday) War Of Emperium

It was Oct. 12(Friday) is some other countries. We put into test our plan for re-opening the extension guild of Arc Mithril since we've been encountering problems with guild space for other joining players. The big problem is we had invited alot of noob players who doesnt follow my orders /e5 and alot of spies kannivalism too, like d an b e n, who only joined us to get supplies and then, left for kannivalism. There is also this one sinx from kannivalism that I saw earlier in that guild and after few moments he was guildless and asking me for guild invite LOL. We dont need those kind of weak players, they are strong because they always outnumber their opponents but if you can notice none from their guild can win DUEL matches from our elite guildmembers =). So in the end we failed to get kriemhield due to these problems; few members, noob player invited at extension and those spies from the opposing guild =) So we end up going back to Fadhgridh, and yeah we took it so damn easily that Natsu and me were able to poke the EMP =O. Anyways goodluck on next woe guys we will go back to all-in-one-guild strategy.

PS. About the DAMAGE you see in my screenshot, I was using HEX client that time allowing me to see damages in GVG maps. I talked to a GM and he/she said it's illegal so ill just stop using it now =P but we know alot of ppl is using it

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